There could be any number of reasons why your current system is holding you back. Wherever you’re starting to feel the pinch, the price of ownership is that you don’t have the luxury of saying “that part’s not my problem” or “I don’t get involved at that level.”
You won’t hear it from me, either.
Over 20 years handling a wide variety of IT roles and projects mean that I can help through the whole process from high-level strategy right down to code, all based on a deep technical foundation.
I’ve worked with Mike on various occasions over the years. He is very definitely in my shortlist of people to call when you have something complex or novel to accomplish, especially if the timescales are challenging.
So how can I help you?
Fast, scalable API development
I use Elixir and Phoenix to build blazing-fast and ultra-reliable API backends for your web or mobile app.
LLM rescue
Got an MVP that was started with the help of AI, but which has got out of hand? I can get it back on track and set up for growth.
Domain specific languages
Building a mini language can help express complex behaviour in a safe and concise manner, and make powerful configuration and search facilities available to non-technical users.
Feasibility studies and proofs of concept
I can de-risk speculative projects before a major commitment of time and money, and without distracting your existing team.
Test systems
From automatable hardware test rigs for IoT projects to super-scalable load testing, I can create the validation tools you need to build confidence.
When you are working on a technical project, you are often at the mercy of people who know a lot more than you do.
What makes a project work well is when these people can listen, communicate and genuinely care about the outcome.
This is exactly what Mike brings. Not only is he one of the most knowledgable people I know, he is approachable and it’s a pleasure to work with him.
If you need someone to have your back, deliver what you need and make something work... he’s your man.